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22/07/2021 - the "costs" of Autism

well, I didn't intend to start writing at midnight, but I also didn't intend to see an article officially published in the 2021 Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders calling for the "prevention of Autism" for... saving the economy of the USA.

According to this report, Autistic people are a financial burden. Why is that? There are a few reasons.

  1. We do not fit into the societal norms (psychopathology, definitions of abnormality: failure to function adequately/failure to conform to social norms) that are required of people in order to work. Only approximately 16% of Autistic adults are actually in full-time employment, while 77% of Autistic people WANT to be employed. This means that as a group, we obviously cost more than we make back.

  2. and this one is the most important, the support systems in ALL COUNTRIES for Autistic people are so backwards, half the time they're not even legal to do on wild animals (such as the treatment at the JRC, or ABA being considered unethical & ineffective for use on dogs) - this means that money is being wasted which has no benefit to the people it's being wasted on, and these people will likely go on to be even less useful in society, as an overwhelming majority of them will suffer from PTSD after their experience

how are we supposed to be anything but a financial burden when the countries complaining about us won't actually help us?

the fact that the UNITED STATES is proposing what is practically the extinction of Autistic people ASAP to save their budget shows that our current economic system is nothing but a failure, aiming to protect the 1% from everyone else, and very literally eliminating any threats to them.

This doesn't just affect Autistic people by the way, once Eugenics are perfected enough to "remove" Autism from a person, they'll also be good enough to "remove" any form of LGBT alignment, "remove" colour from a person's skin, "remove" anything that makes us unique, and makes us better as people.

This would mean the literal end of diversity of all kinds, and would be the largest mass-extinction in history.

The last group of people who considered something like this are quite infamous now, you might know them. They were called the Nazis. In WW2-era Germany, disabled people were "Lebensunwertes Leben" - which translates to "life unworthy of life" - they were murdered because they were not productive enough for their perfect society and therefore... a strain on their budget... now where have I heard that one before?

The value of the person was determined by their ability to generate the country profit.

Aktion T4, the "euthanasia" program run by the Nazis, killed up to 300,000 disabled people, and it was modelled after the eugenics movement in the USA.

as previously mentioned, their primary motive was "saving money" and funnily enough, in 2021, that logic hasn't left yet.

The USA and its citizens get incredibly offended when they're compared to their enemies, current or former. They hate anything communist, as an easy example. Well here's one for all of you, you're literally no better than the Nazis at this time. You are allowing a program to exist that was made most famous by the NAZIS.

Let that sink in for a second...

This article, which, again, has officially been published this year into the 2021 Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, has literally called for the mass extinction of Autistic people to help the US economy instead of reworking their overpriced and ineffective support systems.

And as I say, don't go thinking you're safe just because you're not Autistic. Once they perfect Eugenics, they go to play god and create their "perfect" society.

There will be no poor people, no people of colour, no disabled people, no "burdens" upon humanity and its society (A.K.A the 1%)

This entire article is so wrong on so many levels that I cannot even begin to comprehend how I am meant to address this in full, and this simple post cannot do justice how disgusting the implications of it are.

For anyone looking to read the original, I'm including a link here of the (LONG) article this post is discussing. (you can find it HERE: )

that's it from me this time, I don't think I can handle the mental toll of reading and writing any more into this.

Stay safe everyone, help to #StopTheShock & #ShutDownTheJRC and of course, remember that we are not financial burdens until you make us as such.

- Josh.

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